Thursday, May 20, 2010


We do not intend to delve deeply into the two-way Radio, only a bird eye view.We would want to accept the fact that it is one of the developmental stages of the mobile cell phone as we know it today especially in the form of the hand held Walkie Talkies.While a broadcast receiver (Receiver Radio) can only receive broadcast content only,the two-way Radio can receive and also transmit content.In other words it is a transceiver.
There are three forms of the two-way Radio.
(1) The" genetic" mobile two -way Radio which metamorphosiSed into the modern Mobile Cell phone.It has the ability to receive and transmit simultaneously.
(2)The stationary two-way Radio which is the basis of the modern Cellular BASE stations and the pivot on which the modern day phone system operate.It may be pertinent to let you know that Distance calling by mobile cell phones is only made possible by a network of cells. A cell is a BASE station (High rise Towers) with its coverage area.For a mobile phone A to call a distant phone B,phone A must first connect its nearest base station which in turn connect phone B through its nearest base station.This is why these phones are called CELL PHONES.Note that cell phones are also Two way Radios.
(3)The hand held portable two-way Radio more commonly called the Walkie Talkies or Handie Talkies.
Different systems,technologies and types are available.However,they are of two major forms,the Family Radio Service-FRS and the General Mobile Radio Service GMRS models.
1.The Family Radio Service model FRS: This model which is characterizBed by a lower power of half watt can only support a maximum range of about 6miles in ideal conditions It is built to transmit on a total of 14 channels which include 7 FRS channels and 7 shared FRS/GMRS channels.
2.General Mobile Radio Service- GMRS: Characterized by a higher power, (usually between 1 anb 2 watts) this Radio is for outdoor use. The Radio has 22 channels and the signal can travel on either FRS or GMRS bands.However since consumers want more channels and prefer the 22 channel Radio to the 14 channels, most radios now have all 22 FRS and GMRS channels available in manufacturers' response to market demand.
THE RANGE: `The range of a two way Radio refers to the maximum distance between two Radios for effective communication.A two way Radio of 5miles rangecan only make effective communication if the distance between the two communicating Radios is less than 5miles.Therefore, the higher the range, the better the radio.Unfortunately however,the only way to know the range before buying as sellers are not likely to allow a physical test which might involve losenig the pack,is to rely on the specification on the packing label.One wonders if the manufacturers are out to play their customers in view of the fact that what is given is hardly correct.That such values are for ideal conditions may however be partially responsible.Achieving good line of sight free from obstructionable materials such as trees, wall, rock etc is desirable for effective reception. These are some of the necessary factors to achieve an ideal condition. All these can hardly be achieved in nature.The only option left to give us an idea of the Range is the ANTENNA.
THE ANTENNA:A good antenna will not only increase the range but also improve reception. Generally, the bigger the antenna the better it is
However,it most not be too bogus to cause discomfort in our pockets.
POWER: The higher the power, the higher the range.While a radio of half power could have a range of 6miles, that of between 1-2 power could have a range of say 25miles.
AVAILABLE FEATURES: There are varied features as much as we have different manufacturers and consumers. The fact is that if you want more features, then be ready to pay more.The following are some of the features common with modern two way Radios.
(1)Calling and paging features.
(2)keypad lock
(3)Headset jack for phones, etc.

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