Monday, March 22, 2010



There is nothing wrong in naming Steve Jobs the father of the Iphone. He initiated the development of the Super Smart and revolutionary mobile cell phone admired by many and could easily pass as the mobile cell phone of the decade in his capacity as the CEO of Apple inc.The history of the iphone will not be complete without mentioning his name.
Steve Jobs had directed that Apple engineers investigate the touchscreens.In collaboration with Cingular Wireless [ now AT&T], Apple inc. created the product that not only made major cell phone manufacturers uncomfortable and take another look at their mobile operating systems [OS] ie symbian operating system,window mobile operating system, palm operating system,blackberry operating system,etc.compared to the iphone operating system which support myriad of software applications including third parties so as not to be edged out ofcompetition and made irrelevant by the sudden revolutionary market dictated by Apple and its iphones.
The cell phone in question with the registered trade mark "iphone" was indeed a marvel and a technological breakthrough bringing to the fore the innumerable uses of the cell phone through software applications This is not to say that other operating systems do not accept software applications, far from that. What we are saying is that the iphone operating system is beyond all reasonable doubt a leader in this realm.
In a release by Apple through their website at: .com/pr/library/2009/11/04appstore.html, Phillip Schiller,Apple 's senior vice president of worldwide product marketing said "The app store, now with over 100,000 apps available is clearly a major differetiation for millions of ihone and ipod touch customers aroundthe world." He added that "the iphone SDK Created the first great platform for mobile app'ications and our customers are loving all of the amazing apps our developers are creating." Apple also claim over 10,000 downloads a day and concluded that the app store has made the iphone the invaluable device it is today."
We quite agree with theSenior Vice President, Phillip Schiller.The iphone operating system which give room for multitudes of third party applications pivoted on the online appstore from where customers can download the application they need either free or for a fee is the differentiation factor that account for the huge sucess story of the iphone.
There is a software application for virtually anything you can think of.A software application by name Dragon allow you to speak to your iphone and have your speech converted to text.Anoter software application can interprete for you what a baby is saying when crying. It may also interest you to know that I am currently working on a software application that could enable the iphone to wake up a dead person [don't laugh] The iphone is a must for everybody if only for the ego in possesing the most sophisticated cell phone of our time.
Still on the history of the iphone, it is worth nothing that the iphone was made public by Jobs on january 9, 2007 while on the 29th of the same month, the iphone went on sale in the U.S.Apart from the U.S, the original iphone were first made available in the U.K,France,Germany, Austria and Ireland.
The iphone initial price of $599 did not go well with most people in the U.S as they complained that the price is too much. Apple brought the price of the 3G model to $99 which is one sixth of the original price to boost their market.It may be pertinent to say here that well over 40% of of users of the iphone had income of about $100,000 or more per year.
We are however of the view that the iphone is a good bargain in the U.S especially in view of the fact that many smart phones which do not possess such abilities as the iphone were selling above the new price of $99 for the 3G iphone model.
Those in other countries such as China to mention but one were not as lucky as the Americans.We were told that the iphone sold for about $1000. And on the day of release,the turn-out was also significant although may not be up to what was experienced in the U.S.
Before concluding the history of the iphone, I wish to say here that some of the workers of microsoft inc. who are supposed to show the superiority of their products by using window phones were caught using iphone by no other person than the chief executive. Ballmer frowned at that.He explained that in those days one of his parents worked with Ford company and that most of his family members therefore used Ford as there vehicles. We quite understand the chief executive and that should be. But the scenerio so described paint the real picture of what can best be described as iphone madness in the U.S and some European countries .




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